Who we are


Joy is an independent consultant offering strategic communications, brand work and practical, sales led PR . With 30 years experience in guiding corporates and start-ups from many diverse sectors, she brings vast insight into businesses seeking clarity and impact in their branding and communications.

Joy Le Fevre

A double first class science graduate, Joy revels in the analysis of what makes businesses tick and how to move their success, methodically and measurably, from A to B.  Rooted in a love of communication, her methods span classic public relations and word-smithery to brand strategy programmes.  She combines all of this with a profound interest in purpose, bringing a fresh perspective on how to run businesses with greater integrity and emphasis on conscious behaviour and growth.

She founded, built and sold the leading PR consultancy Le Fevre Communications and has worked with businesses and their executives, across most industry sectors, for over 30 years. 

Clients have included blue chip corporates such as BT, Lloyds TSB, John Lewis Partnership and GlaxoSmithKline as well as exciting start-ups including The Enlightened Tobacco Company, The Oxford Artisan Distillery and Red Sky Shepherds Huts.

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